looking for bastille day greetings? Here is the freshest collection of the same. But before that let’s check the history of Bastille day. It is the independence day of France. The people of France celebrate the day with devotion and a feeling of patriotism. Parades and fireworks (at the Eiffel tower) take place at the national level in the respect of the day, while people celebrate it by organizing some group events, and helping needy ones. Sending bastille day greeting and wishes to each other is also part of this tradition.
Now, you must be wondering why the day is called bastille day. The answer is, bastille Fortress was used as a prison. The people of France destroyed it on 14 July 1789 and after which the French revolution started to establish present-day France’s political, social and economical structure. Thus, this day holds a huge importance for the people of France. The 14 July is known as bastille day, however, if you would wish someone happy bastille day, then it is considered wrong, instead, wish them, la Fête Nationale Française, la Fête du 14 Juliet or Fete Nat. Here is the collection of bastille day greeting for you..Share the collection with your friends, family members, relatives.
Bastille Day Greeting
Bastille day is all about remembering the past and enjoying the day. Fete Nat to all of you.
Amid all fun, celebration and excitement, don’t forget to pay tribute to those who has shaped the country this way for us. la Fête Nationale Française.
Lots of wishes and greetings to you on bastille day. Wish the day be great and blissful for you.
Parade, firework, parties, celebration, all these are the part of Batille day celebration. May you enjoy all of them.
Whist it is important to enjoy every moment of life, it is also important to learn some lessons from it. Just like we should learn from French revolution. la Fête Nationale Française
The French revolution gives us a learning that everything is possible if you will do it with a strong will. la Fête Nationale Française
Present day France is the result of sacrifices made by the great heroes of the nation. Greatest tribute to them and lots of wishes to all you dear friends.
la Fête Nationale Française, Dear France you keep rocking, we are proud of you.
In each of my life I want to take birth in France and devote it for my country’s upliftment. May you shine like a star on the earth France. la Fête Nationale Française.
You have taught the world, the true meaning of romance and love. Proud of you France.
la Fête Nationale Française! May you have a funfilled day!
We might look different from outside but our enemies we are one and very-very dangerous! la Fête Nationale Française.

Bastille Day Greeting French
La Bastille consiste à se souvenir du passé et à profiter de la journée. Fêtez Nat à vous tous.
Au milieu du plaisir, de la fête et de l’excitation, n’oubliez pas de rendre hommage à ceux qui ont façonné le pays de cette façon pour vous. la Fête Nationale Française.
Beaucoup de voeux et de salutations à vous le jour de la bastille. Je souhaite que la journée soit belle et heureuse pour vous.
Défilé, feu d’artifice, fêtes, célébration, tout cela fait partie de la célébration de la journée Batille. Puissiez-vous les apprécier tous.
S’il est important de profiter de chaque instant de la vie, il est également important d’en tirer des leçons. Tout comme nous devrions apprendre de la révolution française. la Fête nationale française
La révolution française nous apprend que tout est possible si vous le faites avec une forte volonté. la Fête nationale française
La France actuelle est le résultat des sacrifices consentis par les grands héros de la nation. Plus grand hommage à eux et beaucoup de souhaits à vous tous, chers amis.
la Fête nationale française, chère France, tu continues de nous balancer, nous sommes fiers de toi.
Vous avez enseigné au monde le vrai sens de la romance et de l’amour. Fière de toi France.
Refer our bastille day greeting and quotes written with utmost care considering their love for the nation. Like our other messages collection we have tried to be as good as possible.
French National Day Quotes
My love for France has multiplied manifold after meeting the people here. Lots of love to France. la Fête Nationale Française.
la Fête Nationale Française, proud to be a French and love everything about France.
If would get a chance to take birth as a human being in my next life, I would to be called a French man.
The soil, air, water, sun everything of France owe me. All my life, I devote to my country with the feeling of love and proud.
You and its only you who is my first love and will be my last love. Love you France, love you Paris love you all. la Fête Nationale Française.
Being a French is the matter of proud and I feel blessed that I have got the opportunity to be called as French. la Fête Nationale Française.
Every effort counts when it comes to nation building. So, never think what you could do, think only you could do.
We are the future of France, we are the protector of France, we the creator of France. Always be united, so that nothing could break France. la Fête Nationale Française.
Love you France, you have given me numerous reasons to proud on you, now I want to give you a few reasons to make you proud on me. la Fête Nationale Française.
Wish you la Fête Nationale Française. May you grow-grow and just grow.
If you want to see the patriotism of French people, check in its nooks and crannies. la Fête Nationale Française!
Happy 14th July! la Fête Nationale Française. Happy Independence Day!
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Bastille Day Wishes
La Fête Nationale Française to all French, your pleasing temperament is truly inspiring.
When France has such lovely citizens, how it could have enemies. la Fête Nationale Française.
Lots of love to France for 14 July. May the country grow and creates new milestones every year. la Fête du 14 Juliet.
Fete Nat! From my the depth of my heart. May you have the best day.
Wishing all my French friends, la Fête du 14 Juliet. Have a great day.
Although its la Fête du 14 Juliet, let act in the national interest. No gathering, no celebration, just wishing everyone with full heart.
Dear France I saw your landscape, open skies, beautiful terrains as tourist but have fallen in love with it. All my wishes for you, have a wonderful future. la Fête du 14 Juliet.
I know it’s a big day of your’s. la Fête du 14 Juliet from the depth of my heart.
May our country prosper in every filed day and night! Happy France Independence Day!
We have showed in past that unity can oppress the strongest enemy. Our unity is our strength. la Fête Nationale Française.
Wishing someone on big days is a good gesture. In France also, people send wishes and greetings when they are unable to meet the person vis-à-vis and wish them. Greet your loved ones this Bastille day with our new collection of Bastille Day Greeting. Our amazing collection is inspiring and heartfelt.
If you like our bastille day greeting & Wishes collection, send us your feedback in the comment box or if you have any suggestions for us, don’t hesitate to share.