Prayers For Doing Your Best : Prayer has significant importance in our life. You pray for doing your best in exams, to get out of certain conditions, and to have peace, and everyone has their reason for praying. No matter what religion we are born in, which country we live in, who our parents are, and our financial status, each one of us prays to God. And it is said that those who pray with heart and believe in the power of God, get what he/she truly desires for.
If you also want to pray to God, you can include these lines in your prayer. Or at least you can take help from these to create your own prayer.

Prayers For Doing Your Best
- You have created me to do exceptional things. I’m your child, and you have supported me in everything. Help me with another challenge life is throwing at me, bless me!
- O Lord, I have prepared myself best but without your wish, nothing could change in my life. Bless me and be my guide!
- The dark days are over and it’s a new bright day! Thanks for so much passion and courage!
- The loud music has already started buzzing and I can feel the energy the new morning is bringing for me. Thank Lord, just be with me!
- Hey God, be with me and I will never disappoint you!
Looking for prayer for study for exams, here is the same. You can recite this prayer before the exam or take help from it to compose your own prayer. Prayer for doing your best in exams is there for your help in all ways.

Prayer For Study For Exams
- Oh God, I have diligently worked for success in this exam. Please continue to nurture my mind and body. And as I move up, I need you to stay with me and keep me focused.
- You have guided me and helped me sail through all the times. You are almighty, you know everything. Need your support again to perform great in the exam. Please be with me as you have been always! Amen!
- Whenever I feel challenged, I look to you for help, and you never disappoint me. Today also is a day which is tough and I need your help to do great in it. Hey God, please help me!
- From childhood, I have heard a lot about you, your power, and wisdom and I have trusted every word I was told about you without a counter. And, you never disappointed me, be it receiving things I desired as birthday gifts, getting great friends or having incredible parents. I need your blessings to do my best in the most deciding exam of my life. I have all faith in you. Bless me!
I remember I used to pray to God before every exam to help me keep my focus. And that never disappointed me. It always helped. Here are a few lines of prayers I used to do before exams. I call it prayers for doing your best in life.

Good Luck Prayers For Exams
- I prayed to God that bless you and let not your diligent study go waste. May you receive all success in this exam and life.
- You have worked hard, now leave the result on the God.
- Oh God, my boy has put best of his efforts for this exam. Bless him that he doesn’t lose focus and get what best suits him. Amen!
- We can desire and prepare for something; the result is always in your hand. Bless me so that I can perform the best and give me what is suitable for me. I would accept everything which you will offer me with all respect and containment. Thankyou God for everything!
- Dear God, directly or indirectly, I have always received what I wanted. I thank you for everything. Today also I’m going to appear in an exam. Bless me so that, I can do well in the exam and fulfil another dream.
Do not forget to thanks and pray to God when you get the result you wanted. Gratitude is a great gesture.
Also Read : Motivational Positive Attitude Quotes

Prayers For Positive Test Results
- Oh God I prepared well, took the exam well, and with your grace, I have got the great result too. Thank you God, for everything!
- Thanks for the divine gift you have given me with so much of love. In all my hard work, I felt your grace. My today’s success is an amalgamation of my hard work and your blessings. Thanks for everything!
- This wasn’t easy at all. All the time I was losing my focus, and sometimes interest as well. But I never lost trust in you. Now, the result is in front of you. Thank you, God!
- Dear Christ, you have never let me down, and this time too. Got my result and wanted to share this first with you. Thanks for your blessings!
- Thanks for all the blessings. You mean the world to me. My everything starts with you and ends with you.

Prayers for doing your best guide how you can pray to God. Always be positive and never lose your trust in him, no matter what. God is with you and God is with each one of us.